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Peoples' movements and protests |
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Doing things right and doing the right things How to think further than to the next manifestation Repertoires of popular movements What changes and what remains through the ages About what makes a group inte a strong collective body Violence or non-violence – what counts is success Why violence is usually inefficient – except in a fews cases Social media are an overrated asset The rich can use them better than the poor, and movements should rather rely on bodily contact About the limitations of spontaneous risings Spontaneous risings are more efficient at exact demands than at regime change Only mobilizations can contribute to good compromises Not even the Chinese one-party state can disregard them There is a need for "developmental" movements As there has been "devellopmental" states with decision power, we need movements with the same. What is needed for long-term results is tight organization – and ritual communities Gandhian conflict level control About a misunderstood strategist Never, never say "we were fooled" The circular development of a movement A popular movement line in the Swedish trade union movement Frances Tuuloskorpi's classic about how you build up a combative workplace trade union tradition We need massroots, not grassroots, movements Medha Patkar draws lessons from a long practice Institutions can direct thinking and expectations, and shouldn't be let away to one's counterparts.
UN conferences on environment and developmentA collection of links and texts both on the official summits from Stockholm 1972 to Stockholm 2022 and the parallel movement summits. Read here.
Published by Folkrörelsestudiegruppen: info@folkrorelser.org