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IMAGE imgs/nyhetsbrev13bu2801.gif black, migrant and refugee women in Europe.

Democracy in the EU is absent . The EU is an undemocraric structure, where the Council of Ministers has the highest powers and is not democratically
controlled. Women are 50% of Europes citizens but their interests are not
systematically represented. There are not even 50% women in any of the EU
political structures. We demand full and true democracy, which includes the interests of women.

In the Europe currently taking shape, the emphasis is on economic growth via the free market. We question the roots of this economy. We think it is built on the plundering of nature and natural resources, on the exploitation of the global South, arms production and trade on an obscene scale and unequal social relations, including those between women and men. This economy has no future. We therefore building active solidarity between women's groups in Europe and women's groups in the rest of the world in order to look together for international alternatives. Solidarity between women in Europe and the rest of the world.

How to reach the network women towards a different Europe

The network Women towards a Different Europe has no central office and has no paid staff. All groups are connected through personal e-mail connections and the system of four regional contact women. These are:

*Mediterranean region(Spain,Portugal, France, Italy, Greece, Yugoslavia): Maria Jose Aubet /e-mail:mja.fem@s...
*Nordic region(Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland):Ianthe Holmberg/e-mail:ianthe.holmberg@t...

*Central-Eastern region(13 countries):Kinga Lohman/e-mail: kingacom@w...

*Central-Western region(Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, Germany, UK, Ireland, Switzerland, Austria:

Gisela Dütting/e-mail:gisela@x...

Platform from 1997

Women towards a different Europe

European women from the north, south, east and west have formed a network for the building of a different Europe.

Europe today is ruled by the law of the market and economic competition, not by human needs. The Economic and Monetary Union strengthens this process, increasing unemployment, poverty and social division, policies which especially affect women.

Decision-making is being still further removed from democratic control. This is far from the prosperous Europe that has been presented to us.

The network Women towards a different Europe believes that there are alternative policies to be pursued and will act on the following platform:

· No to the Economic and Monetary Union