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Updated Jan 2006




1. The actors: states, capital and peoples' movements
2. The stage: the world
3. Peoples' movements before the world market system
4. Local communities' defence against the world market system
5. Wage labourers' defence against capital owners
6. System peripheries' defence against the center
7. Agriculturalists' defence against the food markets
8. Marginalized peoples' aspiration for equality
9. The self-defence of civil society
10. The peoples' movement system
In Swedish

Industriarbetare 1965. Världskarta med punkter

Industrial workers 1965 (above) and 1990 (below). Each square indicates a million. The proportion working in the old industrial center has decreased from 45% of a total of 136 million to 33% of 177 million. Even the absolute numbers of industrial workers in Europe has decreased. The biggest increase has appeared in China.

Source: UNIDO Industrial Statistics Database.

Industriarbetare 1990. Världskarta med punkter



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