The Oi group,
critical developing country researchers

Farvar and
Jan Fjellander from the Oi committee on teach-in at the ABF building
in the spring of 1972
The Oi group was formed at a meeting of young researchers
in Hamilton, Canada, in 1971, where the groups from the environmental
summer camp in Stockholm in 1967 and the International
Traffic Revolution participated.
A focus for the meeting was the so-called Green
Revolution, i.e the agricultural technology that spread in the southern
countries in
the 60s and where chemicals and lots of water were necessary elements,
and where indebtedness, poisoning and eviction of small farmers became
equally necessary consequences.
Hamilton report can
be seen as the first serious international environmental movement
document, and gained great importance before the Stockholm event.
Among other things, it was presented at a teachin at ABF Stockholm
in March 1972. Then it was unfortunately forgotten.
A key person in
Sweden and in the Powwow group was Jan Fjellander (radioman and research
coordinator, etc.), who also ensured that
Miljöforum had a broader global representation than intended.
read the Oi
group's program statement.