Stockholm 1972
- The official scene 1972
- The origin of the alternative initiatives
- Powwow
- Powwow teach-in
- Alternative technology
- Olympics in environmental degradation
- The Oi group, critical South researchers
- People’s Forum, independent conferences in the ABF building
- Alternative sightseeing tours
- Environmental forum
- Dai Dong
- Actions
- Simultaneous parallel activities in other countries
- Results
- Other
- Document
Rio de Janeiro 1992
Johannesburg 2002
Rio de Janeiro 2012
- Stockholm 2012
Stockholm 2022
To the index page




When it calmed down after the events of 1972, it turned out that the waves moved a lot so that they affected the development of the global environmental movement for a long time.

- The "population issue" was largely off the agenda - although the two main critics, India and China, pursued their own rather rabid population policies.

- The dominance of US organizations in environmental policy was broken and the influence of the South would only be felt more and more.

- The technical view of the environmental issue such as The Aspen Institute and the Rome Club made themselves spokespersons for being forced to fight against a more social view. Their computer-driven dream faced competition from concepts such as ”environmental justice” and ”environmental space”, and the official compromise contained a strong dose of reformist policies in which justice, reasonableness and democratic participation had a large space.

- And the major international conferences form was established - a meeting of governments, a meeting of more or less established organizations, and a meeting of the radical critics.

A development of this can be read here.

The Conference on Environment and Development in Rio in 1992<LÄNK TILL DEN SIDAN> consolidated three of these four points. However, the social view died in the neoliberal ice water and the Aspen Institute’s dream of automatic control via the market returned to the formal and informal governing documents.

Here is the critique from the international environmental movement, on the Brazilian environmental movement's equivalent to the People's Forum, 2012

A shorter variant.

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