The people of Europe long
for peace, and the disarmament of Europe. The USA and its
allies chose in spite of this to disregard international law
when they in 1999 carried out the bombings of an aggressive
war in the name of humatarian intervention. NATO thus
undermined systematically the UN:s and OSSE:s possibilities
for peaceful conflict resulution in the Balkans.
the EU is, in close collaboration whith the nuclear weapon
alliance NATO, building up an armed force of 60 000 troops,
that is not only intended for peace monitoring and removal
of land mines, but is being equipped for full-scale war all
over the world.
nearly 200 years Sweden has, due to being non-aligned and
neutral, remained outside all war. A tradition whith strong
popular support that has allowed space for independent
decisions in foreign policy, and protection from belligerent
forces that have threatened the country with
the time of the 1994 referendum on EU-membership, leading
politicians swore that membership would not threaten our
non-aligned forein- and security policies. At the same time,
in negotiations whith the EU, they gave up all conditions of
neutrality, and approved the plans for extended military
collaboration. Instead, Swedish troops are now being
equipped and trained for war together whith troops from
countries within the EU and NATO. In practice, it will be
possible for swedish soldiers to be ordered to fight in
foreign wars after secret negotiations in the EU Council of
Ministers, and hasty pro forma decitions by the Cabinet. The
mandate of the UN and OSSE will no longer be
Sweden figures prominently in building up the 60 000-strong
troops. The cabinet has also approved wordings that mean
that these troops can be used without mandate from the UN.
At the same time, the swedish weapons industry is, through
the LOI agreement, being incorporated into an etensive
weapons development agreement for cooperation with five NATO
countries that will assist one another with war material
should there be any shortage in connection with armed
all gathered here in the seminar of [!] EU and the
globalisation of militarism[!] during the Eu summit
in Gothenburg say: -No to the militarization of the EU -No
to NATO -Yes to continued Swedish neutrality and
non-alliance -Yes to global solidarity -Yes to nuclear
at the seminar "EU and the globalisation of
militarism[!], Göteborg june 15 2001 -- -
-- -
C. Försvara svensk alliansfrihet och neutralitet.
Bekämpa upprättandet av en EU-armé. Svenska
svensk alliansfrihet och neutralitet. Bekämpa
upprättandet av en EU-armé.